fitterhood on Voga

What is Voga?

Voguing and yoga combined will give you VOGA. After so many yoga trends, from dog yoga to naked yoga, VOGA tops the list as the latest yoga style the 21st century has yet to offer.

The brainchild of Juliet Murell, fashion and film-set designer turned yoga instructor, who wanted more fun into her practice. It falls into an interesting trend mixing exercise with entertainment and hedonism: engaging in health and well-being in a have-it-all kind of way, putting healthy habits alongside fun.

Yoga dates back to some 2,500 years, but as it became more mainstream, new styles and practices have emerged. Personally, I am more of a classical yogi (call me old school). However, defining your own yoga practice and finding your own style is a very individual choice.

Voga is all about the power of posing. So, ladies, strike a pose.

And we all know voguing, the dancing style made popular by Madonna’s iconic Vogue vogue vogue

inspire yourself
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