What is Euthyroid anyway?

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are the most known Thyroid diseases. But there’s Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that touches (yours truly) and some 12% of women.

Hashimoto’s shares symptoms of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism but having the symptoms does not mean that you are both. A person with Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease starts as a Euthyroid patient. In other words, they have not yet developed enough thyroid dysfunction to be labelled as Hypothyroid (because that is generally where they are headed). Hence no medication treatment is required for most, as their goiter is still asymptomatic. Moreover, by classical medical standards, the lab tests of Euthyroid patients would still rate within the ‘normal range’ of the reference interval. However, there is enough hormonal imbalance and antibodies dysfunction going on to create havoc in their metabolism.

For Euthyroid bodies, the classical formula of calorie dieting and more cardio for weight loss, usually translates into difficulties in maintaining a stable weight, or gaining more weight in record time.

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