Sleep is the new luxury mask

A solid goodnight sleep is the new luxury mask.

Sleep is so important for many biological functions but can easily fall down the priority list. It allows the body to repair itself and is essential for muscle recovery after a workout. Next to sleep comes body nourishment: a way of eating for health and wellness, unlike the “dieting” way of eating so rooted in our mentalities. Movement comes third on the scale of things. Because movement without good sleep and good nutrition is a recipe for exhaustion.

A bedtime routine can give your body signals that it is time to wind down: flipping, reading, Yin Yoga, sleeping at the same time every night… Switching off from artificial light (especially screen blue light) which disrupts the production of melatonin (the sleep triggering hormone) and the release of a bouquet of other hormones essential for all the tissues and bones in our system.

So, give your body some love, and prioritize sleep.

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