Human Personal Trainer vs. Apps?

No one is born being a pro, and not all of us can self-train. But I’m sorry girls, nothing replaces a proper human PT.

A Personal Trainer that you can slide into your pocket any time of day is not always efficient, because the real challenge is not just about getting started but keeping it up.

PT Apps have benefits: accessible, more affordable than in-person training, flexible to your schedule (much too flexible), and with great variety. Some even track progress, calorie count, and have an exercise motivator, or an actual trainer in real-time.

But with the right human PT, the benefits are endless and beyond just reaching physical appearance goals. The proper coach can enhance the quality of your life by gradually improving your health-related fitness and performance. Finding someone you can trust with your body history and personal goals, but also to explain, inform, and advise you. Most importantly, to promote lasting healthy behaviour change. That’s the secret formula.

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