On daily habits

Good or bad. We all have daily habits.

When wanting to change an old habit or start a new one, our brain will always take the path of least resistance. That is why we like comfort zones and find change difficult.

I cannot say it enough: When it comes to behaviour change, less is more.

Sometimes, we need to break things down to understand them better. The same goes for our behaviours, and our fitness and health goals. When looking at changing a habit, the most fundamental question to ask is: does it raise your total stress level or lower it? Inconsequential behaviours will not raise your stress level. These are the ones to begin with.

It is about breaking your big goals of change into tinier bits. Making them so small that you know you can accomplish them, without feeling awful if you somehow don’t.

Turn these tiny behaviours into habits, and gradually build on them when you are ready.

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