Meet the team

The endocrine system is a network of glands that release hormones to regulate the body’s organs and functions (mainly growth, development, mood, metabolism, immunity, and reproduction). Hormonal disruption can impair exercise results, with potential long term adverse consequences on health and wellbeing. Exercise also impacts hormones.
Think of the endocrine system as a company with a CEO, a managing director, and first line managers with job descriptions and specific functions. There’s also teamwork.
Endocrine System Inc. has very complex corporate dynamics. Hypothalamus is the CEO in the brain and runs the show. Pituitary is the managing director, sits in an office next to the hypothalamus, leads first line managers, who communicate with the workers (hormones).
The team of first line managers produce and release hormones that are carried in the blood stream to do the work. They are: Thyroid, Pineal, Adrenal, Gonads, Pancreas, Thymus, Adipose, and others.
You can meet the full team here.