My workout routine is a sacred part of my day. It brings me balance and mental clarity.
The music is an important part of my workout. I motivate my ears for 15 minutes warming up before I start. And the songs keep flowing. Good music can take your mood (and workout) to higher and more fun places. Listening to music releases happy hormones (endorphins) into the brain, which help stay focused and positively impact our immune system.
Without music, civilization as we know it would crumble, and the spaghetti monster would climb out of its bottomless pit to claim our wretched souls. What I am trying to say is, a world without music? I don’t know what that is.
So here are some of my favorite tracks in the Spotify playlist below. Tracks that have made my training more enjoyable, and my lifts feel more awesome. Because that’s what it’s all about for me. Feeling Good.
Motivate your ears 🙂