How does the thyroid not work?

Hashimoto’s symptoms can go unnoticed early on, but the likely outcome for Euthyroid patients is positive. Meaning, you can reverse this difficult condition.

First let us understand the full process and the hormones at play.

The CEO in the brain (Hypothalamus) and Managing Director (Pituitary) are the decision makers on how much hormones are released from the Thyroid gland. You can meet the full management team here.

Pituitary releases TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), which instructs the thyroid to produce mostly thyroxine (T4) the main inactive hormone, and a smaller amount of triiodothyronine (T3) the active form that our cells can use. T4 must get converted to T3. ReverseT3 (rT3) is a metabolically inactive form also generated from T4. We will come to rT3 significance in a separate post. 

If any part along this TSH-T4-T3-rT3 chain goes wrong, it is important to pinpoint the dysfunction to start the healing process. You can conquer this difficult condition with the right fitness and lifestyle plan, unless your T4 and T3 producing and converting capacity has become irreversibly damaged. In such case, you may not be able to stop the medication, but with the appropriate plan, it will become more manageable.

There is a better way.

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