Building muscle as a female is challenging and takes a loooooot of time and dedication. Sure, if you browse, you will find muscular and shredded women out there. But the only way to become “hulk-like” is through performance enhancing drugs. 9 out of 10 would be taking something to look that way.
However, because bulking up is the biggest myth about women and weight training, few choose the gym’s free weight area to train. But if you want to reshape your body, it’s important to realize that you need to build some muscles to do that, and not only loose fat to achieve the “look”.
After having seen the pure strength women develop when weight training, I will always advocate pursuing strength in workouts. Whether weightlifting (strength and explosive power focus), powerlifting (building strength and muscle mass), bodybuilding (emphasis on physique and lean muscles), only you (and your DNA) can tell which type of weight training will turn you on.