Are genetics destiny?
Genetics play a big role, but they are not destiny. Lifestyle choices can make a huge difference.
The latest evidence tells us that even if we carry the specific genes, we will not develop the autoimmune disease unless two other conditions are there:
1- the specific internal and external triggers
2- gut lining permeability
The immune system is highly dependent on the good health of our intestines. When the wall of the small intestine becomes leaky or permeable, it promotes autoimmunity mechanisms.
In addition to its role of digestion and intestinal absorption of nutrients, our gut must prevent unwanted substances (bacteria, pathogens, allergies, toxins) from crossing the gut lining and entering the body through the blood. Intestinal permeability (leaky gut) is a key factor in triggering inflammatory reactions and autoimmune diseases.
Another factor that can lead to an inflammation of the digestive system is the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut. An imbalance between the good and bad bacteria, can lead to what is known as dysbiosis. This can exacerbate leaky gut syndrome, thereby increasing the permeability of the gut lining, hence causing further immune dysfunction.
All this is barely scratching at the surface of intestinal health.