Because body image, whether positive or negative is both individual and cultural. Plus, never underestimate the huge role of genetics (see Fade) and the part that a healthy endocrine system can play.

We construct our body image out of personal opinion, which can be influenced by the opinion of others. Mostly, unsolicited comments from strangers (and some not so strangers) on our physical appearance.

I will go as far as saying throw your scale in the garbage. There are things to look at instead of the number on your scale:

1- A Tiny Fit Habit
2- Shoes with a swish of style to get out and about in
3- This extra tiny magic wand, super easy to carry in your head to shut down the little voice that puts you down.

Shut it up with actions: little performance-based goals will get you to perceive your body under a new light.

Caution: this might take time. But it is possible.

Inspire yourself!
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